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MEN AND WOMEN 40, 50, 60 and 65+


1 - The 6th INTERNATIONAL SERRA GAUCHA VOLLEYBALL MASTER TOURNAMENT will be held on October 26th to 29th, 2024 in southern most state of Brazil, RIO GRANDE DO SUL, in the city of Bento Gonçalves. A.K.A. “Serra Gaucha”. This tournament is recogniozed to proviode lots of fun, good teams and the opportunity to meet new friend and visit this hilly part of the state well know or the famous vineries and breathtaking sightseeing’s. The Tournament will be sponsored by the Associação Serra Gaucha Esportes (ASGE) with support from Bento Gonçalves Township will sponsor the venue through its Department of Sports and Social Development (SEDES) and Bento Volley


2.1 - Registration period on the 6th Master Serra Gaúcha International Volleyball Tournament edition starts on February 1st and ends on September 15th, 2024.

2.1.1 - TEAMS WITH SPOT GUARANTEED: Teams previously classified from 1st to 6th places in the 2023 tournament Edition are entitled to an automatic spot until May 30th, 2024. After this period, team registration will still be allowed, but upon confirmation; – In order the Team to have the guaranteed spot privilege it must satisfies at least two (02) of the three (03) conditions below which must be specified in the registration form: a) The team must have the same name as the 2023’s team; b) The Team Manager must be same as the 2023’s team; c) At least 50% of athletes must have played the tournament for the team in 2022;


2.1.3 - TEAM WITHOUT SPOT RESERVED: after the tournament is filled with the Sport Guranteed teams, any team that has not participated in the 2023 Tournament edition must register from February 1st to September 15th, 2024 as first come first served base. Registration will be subject to prior confirmation with the organization of the event regarding the spots available;

2.1.3 – Waiting list policy – If the event the 2024 tournament is full, the team can be placed in a waiting list upon written official request from the Team’s manage to the Tournament coordinator using the following contacts: ( ;Cell +55 54 991979287. The 2023 waiting list will not be taken into account.

2.2 - The registration fees and proof: Teams will be considered registered after payment received. Teams Registered in previous tournaments and multi team registration will have a discount as following: Teams fee: R$1,800.00 (one thousand, eight hundred Reais); Multi-Team fee: 10% discount if the teams are form the same organization

2.2.1 - Payment Information: UNICRED (Banco 136), agência 6003, conta corrente 119068-7 in the name of FERNANDO MENDES RABELO - ME, CNPJ 01905849/0001-77; NOTE: - The registration form will be sent to the Team’s Manager upon request or payment of the registration

Article 1 - The registration form will be sent to the person in charge of the team upon request or payment of the registration fee; Article 2 - Athletes will not be allowed to enroll in two or more teams in the same category and will be excluded from the tournament;

2.2.2 - Team Changes policy: After the deadline for registration (September 15th), any cancellation or changes of the athletes in registration form may be made, until the beginning of the team's first game, upon payment of R$100,00 fee (one hundred Reais) per athlete alterations;

2.3 - Cancellations of a team registration policy: It will be allowed up to 30 days before the tournament, without penalty. After this period, a team can be reimbursed of 50% of the total amount paid for the team registration. After the technical congress, the team will not get reimbursed from the registration fee; Note: the Captains Team Meeting will be held on line (see below for more details)

2.4 – ABOUT request for game schedule change: all requests must be made during the technical congress, online;

2.5 – Maximum number of players and commission policy: each team is allowed to register a maximum of 14 (fourteen) athletes and up to 02 (two) members of the technical committee indicated in the registration form their responsibility.


3.1 - Matches will be played in accordance with the official rules of the game of the FIVB (International Volleyball Federation) in force, with the exceptions of the items below:

3.2 - Championship official ball: MIKASA 

3.2.1 - The balls for the warm up and the matches will be provided by the tournament’s organization;

3.3 – Bracket play will consist of match play, the best 2 out of 3 sets to 25 points, win by 2 points, no cap; third set (tiebreaker) to 15 points, win by 2 points, no cap.

3.4 The teams will have 05 (five) minutes for warm-up on the playing court, before the net warm-up;

3.5 - Up to 12 (twelve) substitutions will be allowed in the same set;

3.6- The height of the net will be as follows in each category: Mens, 40+ and 50+ (2.43m), 60+ and 65+ (2.38m); Women’s, 40+ (2.24m), 50+, 60+ and 65+ (2.20m);

3.7 - LIBERO RULE: Each team can have up to two (2) liberos. If there are two liberos, they will act independently of each other and cannot be on the court at the same time;

3.7.1 - It is mandatory to indicate each player position in the court and it will not be allowed to change from one set to another;

3.7.2 – A libero can turn a regular plyer in the case o injury of a player and no other player available to play

3.7.3 – Each libero can serve or not only for only 1 regular player in each game (set,) and must continue to serve for that specific player until the end of the game (set). The libero can serve for another player in the subsequent game.

3.7.4 - If the team uses only one (01) libero, he or she must be at least in one (01) rally off the court, before returning to the court in place of the second regular player in the game , replacing him to serve or not;

3.7.5 –libero that serves does not characterize as a player substitution;

4 – Athlete Eligibility Men’s and Women’s category eligibility by age are subjected, as below: Age 40 or older (BORN 1984) + two (2) athletes born in 1985; Age 50 or older (BORN 1974) + two (2) athletes born in 1975; Age 60 or older (BORN 1964) + three (3) athletes born in 1965; Age 65 or older (BORN 1959) + three (3) athletes born in 1960;

4.1 - To participate in each category, the athlete must be at full age or the athlete’s birthday reaches the category age it in the year of the competition, regardless of the day and month of birth;

4.2 - It will be allowed to register up to two (02) athletes that are one (01) year younger in the 40+ and 50+ for the Men’s and Women’s categories, and up to three (03) athletes one year younger in the 60+ and 65+ for the Men’s and Women’s categories , according to the age table in article 21;

4.3 - For the purposes of proof of identity, it will be mandatory to present, before the first match, a document with a photo to identify the athletes (valid ID’s, driver's license or passport).

5 – The competition dates/time and venues location:

- Gymnasium Municipal de Esportes: Rua Presidente Costa e Silva 212 – Bairro Planalto;

- Gymnasium of SESI: Rua Presidente Costa e Silva 130 – Bairro Planalto;

- Gymnasium of SUSFA: Rua Góes Monteiro 322 – Bairro São Francisco;

- Gymnasium of Clube São Bento: Rua Xingu 357 – Bairro São Bento;

- Gymnasium of Clube Botafogo: Rua Belo Horizonte, 164 – Bairro Botafogo;

5.1 - If it is necessary to use multiple gymnasiums, the team’s manager will be informed, ahead of time, about where the matches’ venue will be played each day;

5.2 – Matches times and dates will be informed.

5.3 – The Tournament Director will create the Team’s Captain WhatsApp group after registration closed broadcast information, notifications or clarifications as necessary.

5.4 – Team Schedule - The brackets draw and matches will be held during the Teams’ Meeting that will take place online. The link to participate in the technical meeting preceding the tournament opening will be sent by the Tournament Director through the Team’s Captain WhatsApp contacts;

5.4.1 - The official schedule will be sent via WhatsApp to the team’s Managers/Captains group after the technical congress, up to 10 days before the start of the tournament;

6 – Pool and Bracket Play Format and Scoring: The organization of the event has the right to choose the dispute format (pool play, seeding for the finals, and finals), it deems most appropriate in each category, depending on the number of registered teams;

6.1 - The score for the general classification, in the classification phase, will be as follows: 

Win by 2 (2x0) = 4 points

Win by 1 (2x1) = 3 points

Defeat by 1 (1x2) = 2 points

Defeat by 2 (0x2) = 1 point

Forfeit = 0 point

6.2 – Pool play with start with (0) zero points gained;

6.3 – The tiebreaker criteria, between two or more teams, will be the following, in order: 

1st – Points;

2nd – Number of victories;

3rd – Number of defeats;

4th – Pro sets;

5th – Sets against;

6th – Average points;

7th – Direct confrontation, in case there is a tie between two teams;

8th – Prize draw.

6.4 – The Forfeit rule: If the team fails to show up on time to play, with the minimum number of athletes for the match (6), a forfeit (25X0 / 25X0) will be effective;

6.4.1 – If there is a delay in the first match of each court, the team will have a up to 15 (fifteen) minutes to present itself to referees. After that time the team will forfeit (25X0 / 25X0). In the following matches, 05 (five) minutes of delay will be tolerated from the end of the previous match, according to the time noted in the game summary by the arbitration team;

6.4.2 - The team that forfeits twice will be automatically disqualified from the entire tournament and will no longer be able to participate in future tournaments;

6.4.3 - In case of a team disqualification by the forfeit rules, all the team’s games (played and to be played) will result in a loss by two sets to zero (0x2), with a scores of 0X25, 0X25;

7- AWARDS and Nominations

7.1 –Medals will be awarded for each team finished in 1st (first), 2nd (second) and 3rd (third) places. 16 medals and 1 trophy, in permanent possession;

7.2 - One (01) MVP (Most Valuable Player) trophy will be offered in each category;

7.3 - A “Fair Play Team” outstanding trophy will be awarded to one (1) team across all categories and suits. In order to choose the team as worthy of the “Fair Play Team” trophy, aspects such as punctuality, cordiality, care for cleaning the environment, respect for the opponent, joy, organization, number of cards, among others, will be taken into account;

7.4 - The MVP athletes and the “fair play team” for each category will be evaluated and elected by the tournament organizing committee and the refereeing team;

7.5 - The outstanding trophies will be delivered at the tournament closing ceremony event that will take place on Saturday, at the Center for Gaucho Traditions (CTG) district Laço Velho;

7.6 - Details about the closing ceremony event will be communicated by the Tournament Director during the tournament, via WhatsApp to the Team’s Captains.


8.1 – It is the responsibility of the teams to assume the following obligations:

8.1.1 - The Team’s Manager or Captain must read this regulation and pass on to their teams the key information;

8.1.2 - Is mandatory the participation of the Team’s Manager or Captain in the Tournament Team’s Meeting that will take place, online. Once all Teams agreed on with the Tournament Team’s Meeting outcome he or she must communicate the outcome their teams. Any and all claims or suggestions made by the Team’s Manager or Captain to the Tournament Director will be evaluated by the organizing committee will be evaluated during the Tournament Team’s Meeting.

8.1.3 - Observe compliance with this regulation and abide by the decisions of the Organizing Committee;

8.1.4 - The team must be at the competition venue from the time of its first game;

8.1.5 - Pay all your expenses such as: internal and external transport (the organization of the event will create exclusive transport schedules for the event in order to facilitate the teams), official fraternization of the tournament, daily accommodation, meals, minibar, phone calls and extra services;

8.1.6 - Support the organization of the tournament, encouraging its team to participate in the official fraternization of the tournament and awarding the outstanding athletes, which will take place on Saturday, at the Centro de Tradições Gaúchas (CTG);

8.1.7 - Recognize FERNANDO MENDES RABELO - ME and ASGE (Associação Serra Gaúcha Esportes) are the legitimate holders of all rights to commercialize the event, such as photos taken by a hired team of photographers, broadcast on open and closed television, radio, social media in general, magazines, home video, CD, DVD, LASER DISC or any other means existing or created in the future;

8.1.8 - Each and every athlete participating in the event is aware that ASSOCIAÇÃO SERRA GAÚCHA ESPORTES as well as its coordinator, Mr. Fernando Mendes Rabelo, have the right to explore, responsibly, any and all images recorded during our events.


9.1 – The 5th Serra Gaúcha Master Volleyball International Tournament will be organized by the Serra Gaúcha Sports Association (ASGE), which will be responsible for the following tasks during the course of the competition:

9.2 - Elaborate the tables determining the teams, dates, places, times, and game court;

9.3 - Implement all technical and security measures necessary for the safety and organized tournament;

9.4 - Publish the games results and update teams’ rakings, after the end of each round. These results will be made available to Team Managers/Captains electronically;

9.5 - Make it possible for everyone to access information about the tournament through the official link of the event to be released;

9.6 - Pay all expenses related to referees and supporting staff;

9.7 - Provide all emergency and medical assistance to all athletes and registered personnel throughout the event, at no cost to participants;


10.1 - It will be exclusively up to the Organizing Committee of the tournament to resolve doubts, resolve omitted cases and interpret, whenever necessary, the provisions of this regulation;

10.2 - The organization of the tournament is not responsible for lost objects or accidents on the court that occurred during the tournament;

10.3 - The Technical questions about competitions during matches , or the completion format/ locations will be addressed with Mr. Fernando Rabelo, either by phone +55 54 991979287 or by email



Associação Serra Gaucha Esportes (ASGE) registered by CNPJ 01.970.950/0001-01, located at Rua Alagoas 166 / 203, Bairro Humaita, Bento Gonçalves (RS), Brazil, Zip Code: CEP 95.705-026,. Coordinatior Mr. Fernando Mendes Rabelo, CPF 601.203.550, the Bento Gonçalves Township through its Department of Sports and Social Development (SEDES), and Bento Volleyball.

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